A mushroom that sprouts between the toes, used metaphorically for something that appears unexpectedly.

A paralysis that happens during sleep, described as being attacked by a 'Boutelis' - a mythical creature.

A growth or sprout, especially used to describe something emerging between fingers or toes.

In a folklore show, or alternatively, a man acting foolishly.

Something large or bulky.

Pretending to be something you're not, often used to describe someone acting tougher or more important than they are.

A type of scrub used in a bathhouse, especially to exfoliate the skin.

Used to describe something tasty or interesting in terms of storytelling.

To run or to be in a hurry.

The opposite or contrary of something.

Restrained or held someone down to prevent them from moving or escaping.

Stronger than 'Rhiz', which refers to brutal sex.

One person, often used in the context of discussing individual actions or situations.

A method or way of doing something, often used to describe a unique or clever approach.